Kūlia i ka Nuʻu
ma kona inoa
Let us all strive for the best, for more, always, in his name.
Hiram Solomon Kano‘a deFries-Saronitman’s ’20 main goal was always to fill the ice box. Not just for his ‘ohana, but for his community and anyone in need. Hiram’s generosity was boundless, and he never hesitated to share the fruits of his labor, ensuring that others were cared for and nourished. In both life and spirit, Hiram was a provider, a protector, and a calming presence. A man whose legacy will forever ripple like the ocean waves he so deeply loved.
The Hiram Solomon Kanoʻa deFries-Saronitman ’20 Endowed Fund was established by his ‘Ohana to honor the legacy of a beloved Punahou Alumnus and true son of O’ahu. The Fund shall provide need-based student support over and above tuition with a focus on food insecurity, with a preference for student-athletes regardless of gender.
This form is for one-time gifts. If you would like to make a pledge, go here and from the drop down list under “directed to,” choose “Other,” and type in Hiram Solomon Kano’a deFries-Saronitman ’20 Endowed Fund. If you have questions please contact a member of the Punahou Giving Team.
Any personal data changes made will update your Punahou record. By checking “Anonymous,” your name(s) will be excluded from any future donor lists, printed or online.