Donor Community

Ka Punahou Society

Planned giving donors play an important role in Punahou’s success.

One of the first of these visionary individuals was Trustee and Punahou parent Reverend Samuel Chenery Damon who left instructions in his will to endow financial aid at Punahou School. Since its establishment in 1885, the Reverend Samuel Chenery Damon Financial Aid Fund has helped hundreds of students afford a Punahou education. Throughout its history, Punahou School has been the fortunate beneficiary of many more planned gifts from donors who sought to make an enduring contribution to Punahou’s future.

Ka Punahou

The legend of Ka Punahou speaks of the spring at the heart of Punahou School, a center of nourishment and revitalization. This perpetual spring inspired the establishment of Ka Punahou Society in 1996 to honor and recognize Punahou’s planned giving donors. Their deferred gifts provide a lasting source of support for the School just as the waters of that spring do for the lands that surround it, and the School does for its students and alumni.

Planned gifts include:
  • bequests in wills or living trusts;
  • life income plans such as gift annuities and charitable trusts;
  • retained life estates; and
  • beneficiary designations of retirement plans, brokerage accounts and life insurance policies.

Share Your Vision

The Office of Gift Planning at Punahou is able to facilitate your charitable planning. Educational activities and priorities change over time, so unrestricted gifts provide the most flexibility to direct funds for the School’s highest priorities. However, there may be a direction that is particularly important to you, such as financial aid, faculty development or curricular programs. Providing information about your interests allows the School to work with you to clarify the specific purpose of your gift.

If you are considering a bequest for a restricted purpose, you or your legal advisor should discuss your plans with the Gift Planning staff. This ensures that the School can implement your philanthropic intentions as well as thank you and celebrate your participation in the vision of Punahou School.

Become a Member

If you have provided for Punahou School in a planned gift but have not yet informed the School, please let us know.

Soon after, you will receive a letter welcoming you to Ka Punahou Society. Members are invited to special events and listed in the annual Giving to Punahou publication. If you wish, you may elect to be anonymous.

Members of Ka Punahou Society are part of Punahou’s long tradition of giving. If you wish to learn more about charitable gift planning or to advise Punahou of your intentions, please contact Carrie Ogami, Director of Gift Planning, at 808.944.5845 or

Ka Punahou Society Champagne Reception 2024

Ka Punahou Society Champagne Reception 2023

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