Extended Learning
Summer Programs

Registration and Policies

2025 Summer Programs Registration

February 12 at noon

Summer Course Catalog Available
February 21 at noon – February 24 at 8 p.m.
Registration for current Punahou students, entering grades 1 – 3 *

February 25 at noon – February 26 at 8 p.m.
Registration for current Punahou students, entering grades 4 – 5 *

February 27 at noon – March 2 at 8 p.m.
Registration for current Punahou students, entering grades 6 – 8 *

March 3 at noon – March 4 at 8 p.m.
Registration for current Punahou students, entering grades 9 – 12 *

March 5 at noon – March 6 at 8 p.m.
Registration for siblings of current Punahou students *

March 7 at noon
Registration Opens to all

April 17 at 4 p.m.
Summer Registration Deadline 

* Current Punahou families who miss their initial grade-level early registration period will be able to register during subsequent phases.
The admission of any student in the School’s Extended Learning programs is at the sole and absolute discretion of Punahou School in accordance with applicable laws. Admission criteria may be modified from time to time without notice by the School. Furthermore, students with past due billing accounts may not be eligible to enroll in these programs until their accounts are brought current. All payments made to the School will be allocated first towards unpaid Punahou tuition. Listed courses are also subject to enrollment and may be closed if full or cancelled if there is insufficient enrollment.


Summer Programs Office
K – 8 and non-credit Academy courses
Bishop Hall
808.943.3693 Fax

Academy Summer School Office
9 – 12 Academy Credit Bearing Courses


List of 13 items.

  • Absences/Attendance

    As members of a dynamic community, students are expected to be present when the summer programs are in session.  It is highly recommended that students should not miss more than one week of the summer session regardless of when the absence may occur.

    Consistent with current absence reporting practices, parents/guardians are expected to use the online Absence Reporting App to notify the School of ANY full-day absence – health-related or not – before 8 a.m. for each day your child is absent. By reporting an absence through the app, you will NOT need to email your child’s teacher or the summer attendance office. More information regarding the Absence Reporting App will be shared at a later date.

    Students with any symptoms or who do not feel well enough to be in school by 8 a.m. should not be sent to school later that day. 

    If any of the following applies to your child, please email the summer attendance office at summerattendance@punahou.edu AND the applicable program office below if your child will be missing any scheduled class or private lesson that day.
    • Arriving late to school
    • Leaving school early
    • Away from school for an extended period of time
    Summer Attendance Office
    Summer Programs (K - 8 and non-credit Academy courses): summerattendance@punahou.edu or 808.943.3200

    Other Programs
    Academy Summer School (Gr. 9 – 12 credit-bearing courses): acadss@punahou.edu or 808.944.5814
    Aquatics, Swim School, Swim Team, Water Polo: paq@punahou.edu or 808.944.5835
    Dance School: danceschool@punahou.edu or 808.943.3611
    Music School: musicschool@punahou.edu or 808.944.5829
    SAT Prep: 808.943.3200
    Tennis School: tennisschool@punahou.edu or 808.944.5835
    Theatre: theatre@punahou.edu or 808.943.3295

    Extended Absences
    Due to the unique design of Summer School, distance learning options will not be provided to students needing an extended absence. Depending on the student’s age, summer school course teachers may be able to provide work for students.  Refunds for missed Summer Programs classes due to extended absences will not be provided.

    Summer Private and Partner Lesson Attendance Policy
    Music and Tennis
    With the exception of lesson cancellations initiated by the school or instructor, make-up lessons or refunds are not provided for summer private or partner lesson absences. 

    Returning From Absence Due to Illness
    Punahou School’s Health Policy and Readmission Policy may change as conditions change.  Please refer to the most recent Health Policy and Readmission Procedures at: https://www.punahou.edu/health-and-wellness
  • Age Requirements

    Students registering for Kindergarten classes must be born between June 1, 2019 and July 31, 2020.
  • Cancellations and Withdrawals

    Once the registration has been submitted, courses are confirmed, and non-refundable cancellation fees will apply.  

    Requests for cancellations or course changes should be emailed to the Summer Programs Office at summerprograms@punahou.edu.  Requests will be processed in the order received and enrollment will be subject to availability.

    For course cancellations:
    • On or Before April 17 – $50 cancellation fee per course
    • After April 17 – Prior to Start Date – 50% of tuition
    • No refund after Course Start Date  
    For complete withdrawals:
    • On or Before April 17 – flat $100
    • After April 17 – Prior to Start Date – 50% of total tuition
    • No refund after Course Start Date
    Summer Private and Partner Lessons Policy: Music and Tennis
    • With the exception of lesson cancellations initiated by the school or instructor, make-up lessons or refunds are not provided for summer private or partner lesson absences.
  • Dropoff

    For classes with an  8 a.m. start time, supervision of grades K – 8 students begins at 7 a.m. at each designated dropoff location.  Students must remain in their vehicles until supervision begins. 

    Students in grades 4 – 8 arriving on campus for a 10:10 a.m. class may be dropped off between 9:50 – 10:10 a.m. at their designated drop-off location.

    Students in grades 2 – 8 arriving on campus for a 1 p.m. class may be dropped off between 12:45 – 1 p.m. at their designated drop-off location. 

    A campus map indicating dropoff/pickup locations will be shared at a later date.

    * Early & Extended Session Programs dropoff windows may vary from those listed above. Contact the Summer Programs Office for any questions.
  • English Proficiency

    Students must possess the ability to understand and communicate (i.e.; read, write, speak) in English at their appropriate grade level. This will ensure the safety of each student and enable your child to have a positive summer experience. We are unable to provide accommodations for English language learners, and the school reserves the right to modify schedules or remove students from courses if it is deemed appropriate.
  • Escorting and Supervision Kindergarten – Grade 8

    Aligning with the school’s supervision policies, Kindergarten – grade 6 students must be supervised at all times while on campus. Families must enroll their children in Afternoon Enrichment (K – 5) or Middle School Supervision (6) if they are not able to pick up students within 30 minutes of their last class OR if there is a break longer than 15 minutes before or after their classes.

    Kindergarten – Grade 5
    Students enrolled in Afternoon Enrichment will be escorted to and from their afternoon classes/lessons starting at 1 p.m. The last escort will be for classes or lessons beginning at 5:30 p.m. The last return to Afternoon Enrichment would be for classes or lessons ending at 5:15 p.m.

    Afternoon Enrichment Extended Care (3 – 5:30 p.m.) is also available for grades 2 – 5 students who have a class or activity that ends at 2:50 p.m. or later and need supervision until 5:30 p.m.
    Kindergarten – grade 5 students are not allowed to walk themselves to and from their afternoon classes and lessons. Only students enrolled in Afternoon Enrichment will be escorted to their afternoon classes. A minimum of 30 minutes transition time is required between activities.
    Students in Kindergarten – grade 5 who are not registered in Afternoon Enrichment and have a 1 p.m. class or activity will be automatically be enrolled in “Supervised Period” from noon – 1 p.m. to ensure they are accounted for and have a safe place to eat their lunch. At 12:45 p.m. students will be escorted by their teacher or teaching aide to class. Students must be enrolled in a course immediately prior to the start of the Supervised Period to qualify. This program is offered at no cost to families.  Lunch is not included.
    Grades 6 – 8
    Supervision is offered during the summer session for students in grades 6 – 8 if they must remain on campus for an afternoon class, lesson, or practice. Students enrolled in a 1 p.m. class may bring home lunch or purchase lunch from the Bishop Hall snack bar and eat in designated supervised areas from noon – 12:45 p.m.  
    Middle School Supervision will be offered at 1 – 2:50 p.m. and 3 – 5:30 p.m. where students will be provided with the opportunity to engage in age-appropriate games and activities. In order to account for the whereabouts of each student and support the health and safety of our community, registration is required, and attendance will be taken at the start of each class.
    Students are allowed to independently walk themselves to and from their afternoon activities/lessons from Middle School Supervision. Students are expected to remain in supervision until their designated pickup person arrives at the pickup area.  Parents may authorize their child to sign themselves out of supervision and walk off campus by emailing the Summer Attendance office at summerattendance@punahou.edu.
  • Late Registration

    Once the registration deadline has passed, requests for late registrations should be emailed to the Summer Programs Office at summerprograms@punahou.edu. Requests will be processed in the order received, and students will be registered on a space-available basis. A non-refundable $50 per student late fee will be charged at the time of enrollment.
  • Lunch and Snacks

    Afternoon Lunch Option (Kindergarten – Grade 5)
    Kindergarten – grade 5 students who are enrolled in Afternoon Enrichment from noon – 5:30 p.m. or in a 1 p.m. class that meets everyday are eligible to register for the Afternoon Lunch Option.  Students must also be enrolled in a morning class prior to noon to qualify. Regular or vegetarian options are available for an additional fee during the registration process. Families with hearty eaters should consider packing additional food for their child, as the school lunch program includes only one serving for each child. 
    Students who are not registered for the Afternoon Lunch Option will need to bring home lunch. There will be no access to refrigerators or microwaves to keep cool or heat up food brought from home. 
    Kindergarten and grade 1 students will be provided a morning snack, and an afternoon snack, (if they are enrolled in Afternoon Enrichment).

    Grades 6 – 8
    Grades 6 – 8 students who need to remain on campus for an afternoon class, lesson or practice will have a lunch break from noon – 12:45 p.m. Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from the snack bar and eat in designated supervised areas in Case Middle School. See snack bar section for more information.

    There will be no access to refrigerators to keep items cool or microwaves to heat up food brought from home.

    Students should pack a snack and a water bottle each day.
  • Pickup

    Student name placards will be utilized in the K – 8 pickup process, and every family should have their placards prominently displayed on their vehicle dashboard when they arrive on campus for pickup.  Placards will be mailed with course confirmation information in early June.  

    Students must be picked up within 30 minutes after their morning dismissal time. If you are unable to pick up your child within this window, please enroll them in Afternoon Enrichment or Middle School Supervision.

    * Early & Extended Session Programs pickup windows may vary from those listed above. Contact the Summer Programs Office for any questions.
  • Recess Break

    Grades K – 3 students will have recess according to their class schedules.  

    Grades 4 – 8 students who are enrolled in two morning classes will have a twenty-minute supervised recess from 9:50 – 10:10 a.m. daily.
  • Required Health Forms (Visiting Students Only)

    All Summer Programs visiting families will be required to complete the following forms, where applicable, by the noted deadlines. Current Punahou students do not need to submit these forms.

    Authorization for Medical Treatment Form – Due April 25, 2025.
    Parents or guardians of a visiting student(s) will be required to download, sign and upload the completed Authorization for Medical Treatment form annually. Signing this form will give permission to our Health Center staff to provide medical treatment to your child in case of any illness or injury. Please upload the form to our Health Center via the secure link below by April 25, 2025.
    *Revised February 2025

    Tuberculosis (TB) Form (Homeschool, International and Out-of-State Students Only)

    Hawaii State Department of Health Requirements for Schools
    Students who are not currently enrolled in a Hawai’i school (which includes home-schooled students, International and continental U.S. residents) must meet the State of Hawai’i assessment requirements and provide a TB clearance that has been done within 12 months prior to the start of their Summer class or lesson.
    Students who have a TB form on file with Punahou School that was submitted on or after Summer 2022 do not need to submit a new form.

    All applicants must have a U.S. licensed practitioner (MD, DO, APRN, PA) complete and sign the Tuberculosis form to confirm that the student is free from TB. The Hawai’i Department of Health (DOH) Form will also be accepted.

    The following are acceptable forms to TB screens or tests.
    • Negative TB Risk Assessment — This assessment must be performed by a U.S. licensed practitioner.
    • Negative Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) — This test must be performed in the U.S. by a U.S. licensed physician (MD, DO, APRN, PA).
    • QuantiFERON® TB Gold-in-Tube Test or T-Spot® Test — This test may be performed in the U.S. or internationally by a U.S. licensed physician.
    • Positive Test and Negative Chest X-ray. The chest x-ray must be performed in the U.S. by a U.S. licensed physician (MD, DO, APRN, PA)
    Tuberculosis (TB) forms must be submitted by the following deadlines.
    • Early Session Programs (June  9 – June 13) – May 30, 2025
    • Summer Session Programs (June 16 – July 18) – May 30, 2025
    • Extended Session Programs (July 21 – July 25) – July 7, 2025
    Students will not be allowed to attend summer classes or lessons until these mandatory health forms have been received and approved by the Health Center Office.

    Medical/Travel Insurance
    We highly recommend that International and Continental U.S. students have medical and/or travel insurance for the safety of their children and to ensure proper medical care.
    Read More
  • Snack Bar

    The snack bar, located on the second floor of Bishop Hall, is open to students in grades 6 – 8.  It will operate daily from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from June 16 to July 18, 2025. Students can enjoy a variety of breakfast options, snacks, cold food and a selection of hot lunch items.  

    Current Punahou students must use their student ID card to make snack bar purchases. Visiting and new-incoming students will need to make an initial purchase of a reloadable Grinders Card for $20 (cash only). Families will have the opportunity to purchase the Grinders Card at the grades 6 – 8 family open house or from the snack bar starting on the first day of school. Students can reload their Grinders Card for any amount (cash only) at the snack bar.

    Menu selections and snack bar offerings will be posted on our summer programs homepage just prior to the start of summer school.
  • Waitlists

    Waitlists are processed as spaces become available. Families will be contacted via email when an opening occurs. All waitlist registrations will be cleared by May 16, 2025.

    Kindergarten Experience Waitlist: Waitlist priority will be given to new incoming 2025 – 2026 Punahou students, and based on the order in which families complete their fall Punahou enrollment process.
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